5 Way You Can Set Yourself Up For Success Every Day

5  Way You Can Set Yourself Up For Success Every Day

Everyone wants to know the answer to success, and at the end of the day, there is no right way to get to a point where you feel “successful." However, there are things you can do every day that you can easily add to your daily routine before and after work to set yourself up for success. 

Here is a list of 5 things we recommend you do to set yourself up for success in and out of the workplace:

Build a Daily Ritual

Building a daily ritual can help you become more successful and happier all around. Maybe mornings aren’t for you, but having a task to do every day that you know will support your overall goals in the process can be very rewarding. You only need to pick one thing, but by doing it every day it can be the thing that changes your life. Some popular daily rituals include making your bed, journaling, meditating, or drinking a tall glass of water with lemon. Try a morning brain dump where you can flip to a new page, and start writing out what you need to do for the day. Maybe these are plans you have later, small lists, goals you are setting, or simple journaling before you start the day. This will help you feel less distracted throughout the day, more focused on your priorities, and overall less stressed out.

Take 5 Minutes to Declutter Your Space Each Day

Taking a little bit of time each day to declutter your space makes a big difference. Whether this is at home or at work, you deserve to live in a clean and organized space. It is important to spend even just 5 minutes each day to declutter and recognize what you really keep in your space altogether. You can start to spend just 5 minutes getting rid of things you no longer use, clean out a messy drawer you’ve been eyeing, or organize your desk for a better next day.

Use a Planner

Being able to organize your plans throughout your day in a planner you have handy creates for a less overwhelming task later. Life is more enjoyable when you plan it out and know the free time you truly do have! Set yourself up for success by packing your planner and referring to it often when making commitments.

Lunch and Snack Prep for Work Before Bed

One way to set yourself up for more success is by deciding to make efforts in support of your health. Meal prepping can seem overwhelming before work in the morning. Sometimes you may make a decision to eat out at work instead, which can be great for some people. However, it is not always the best decision for your health or your wallet. Make meal prepping less stressful by making food the night before instead of trying to prepare an entire week’s worth of food. You deserve to treat yourself and feel good about it. Also, let’s not forget snacks! There is plenty of room in White Elm bags for lunch, snacks, and the things you need for work and throughout your day.

Pack Your Bag the Night Before Work

Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day; don’t spend it wasting time looking for all of the essentials you need to have the most out of your day. You deserve to feel prepared every day at work, with your kids, or running errands. We recommend our White Elm Aquila, Gemini, or Gemini Mini for an everyday work bag. Check out our last blog, “10 things you should always have packed in your work bag”, for everyday work bag inspiration.

Let us know what types of things you do every day to set yourself up for success!


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