7 Ways To Make Your Mornings More Productive

How the Aquila makes my mornings stress-free!
Mornings can be dreadful and the worst time of the day. But mornings can also be the most productive time. Your morning sets the mood for your whole day. This means that if you add productive habits to your morning routine then you set yourself up for a more productive day! Read how you can improve your mornings.
1. Wake up early
The first step of every productive morning routine is waking up as early as possible! If you are a night owl this may be hard in the beginning, but work your way into it! Waking up can provide you with a clear head and it can give you the first win of the day!
2. Make your bed ASAP after waking up
Do this, and you’ll automatically feel accomplished! Yes, making your bed is simple, but the fact that you already did something the moment you’re up, establishes the mentality to keep completing tasks (no matter how big or small) throughout the day!
3. Journal/ Meditate
Spend some time reflecting on your inner self and your goals. Be grateful for this day because it's a wonderful day to be ALIVE! You can also write down your thoughts or goals for the day. Try starting your day with 5 affirmations and what you are thankful for. Positive affirmations can get your day started on the right foot!
4. Start With Exercise
Get your workout in early! Adding exercise to your morning routine is a great way to have a more productive day. If you get your exercise out of the way in the morning then you don't have to worry about it later. It also helps boost your energy levels. No need to have a sense of dread over you all day that you haven't gotten your exercise in yet.
5. Pre-prepare as Much of Your Morning as Possible
Get everything prepared the night before! Have your White Elm Aquila tote packed with your laptop, notebooks, Ara crossbody, Starla wallet, and anything else you’ll need for work! Having your Aquila packed and ready makes getting out the door that much easier! Make sure breakfast is ready to grab and go, and clothes are set out for you and the kids. The less you have to do in the morning, the easier it is to get into the “swing” of the day!
6. Eat Breakfast
Skipping breakfast means that you have less energy in the morning and throughout the day to be productive. Fueling your body is a great way to ensure that your entire day is better and more productive!
7. Set Goals for the Day
Writing a to-do list will help you start to make a plan for your day. It also helps you start to visualize your timeline for the day which will mean improved productivity during the day!
Best of luck adding some new positive morning routine habits to your day! These are great habits to start implementing to help you have more productive days. Being productive doesn’t have to be overwhelming!