Mums & Bubs White Elm Hospital Bag - What to Pack!

REPOST - Original post by Terah Byrd from Mums & Bubs
So with this being my fourth time around, I’d like to think I’ve learned a thing or two when it comes to the whole labor and delivery thing (haha… ya right!). I am totally that person who likes to have things in her bag for “just in case” moments, but at the same time it stresses me out because usually I end up packing so much I get annoyed because I don’t even use half of the things I pack. This is why I have now come to embrace the Minimalistic approach, so here are a few of things that I will be including in my hospital bag for baby #4!
To start make sure you have your own bag with what you need it. I always pack a bag for myself and have my husband pack a bag for himself with what he needs. It’s easier to keep things separate so you can find what you need.
p.s. Make sure you hubby has some extra space in his bag for things that you will leave the hospital with. Some items that usually get sent home with the new baby are diapers, wipes, extra pads, sometimes even pumping parts (if you ask), and of course all the discharge papers and important documents.
This robe is NOT for labor and delivery, this is actually for after baby arrives. When I think about after delivery, I want to relax and spend time snuggled up with my new bundle of joy. The last thing I want to be worrying about is if my shirt is big enough to do skin to skin with baby, or buttoning and un-buttoning my top, these are all things that are more of a hassle than anything. Honestly after delivery, take a quick rinse off in the shower and get in your nice and cozy robe and stick that baby in there with you for some quality snuggle time.
- Essential Oils and Diffuser
I am a lover of essential oils! We use them so much in our home and it just makes me happy! This is one of those things that I think is so good to have as part of your labor and delivery and post-delivery. Just bring along your favorite blends to keep you calm and relaxed.
p.s. Check with your hospital to see if they have essential oils or diffusers on hand already. This is a great option to use if you don’t want to pack your own.
Rael is an amazing company with great values. They are all about providing the best quality feminine care products for women without toxins and harsh chemicals included. Rael even has a Period Starter box (we will have to stock up on those in our house in a few years). One of the products they have is the period panty. This panty is made of thick cotton that offers an extra layer of safety in case of leaks. I will definitely be wearing these postpartum because they are super comfortable and who wouldn’t want that extra level of protection.
Again, after delivery I don’t think you need to worry about dressing up in much, its best just to keep it simple. If you are delivering vaginal the nurses will still need to come in and press around your stomach to be sure your uterus is going back down to size. If you are delivering via c section, you definitely aren’t going to want to mess too much with your incisions. Just plan on wearing a bra, panties and a robe. Its is important to continue that skin to skin with baby and what better time than when you are in the hospital.
- Sandals
- Extra long phone charger
One thing I realized shortly after checking into the hospital was that my normal phone charger was not going to cut it. There are so many different wires everywhere it can be a lot to maneuver around so it is extremely helpful and a little known secret that bringing an extra long charger or two is a MUST have.
- Snacks
- Chapstick
If you’ve been a Mom for like, I don’t know 5 seconds, you would know how amazing dry shampoo is! I mean I feel like dry shampoo was secretly made just for us because people know its hard to get in a hair wash when you have kids. For me, I honestly do not love taking showers anywhere except my own. After delivering the last think I really wanted to do was wash my hair and blow dry, etc. It was so much easier just to bring some dry shampoo and/or a hat.
Here is something that you want to think about with whatever body wash you plan to bring to the hospital and even beyond when you bring baby home. For me, I realized that whatever I put on my body from my deodorant, perfume, lotion to body wash was inevitably going to rub off on my newborn baby. I think realizing that made me more conscious about what I put close to my skin. I definitely didn’t want my newborn baby to breakout or who knows what from having a reaction from what I was exposing her too. The first few days and hours after baby is born they are getting to know you. They are learning your smell, your feel, everything about you. Make it easy on them and lay off the heavy perfumes and washes and if you absolutely need to have some sort of fragrance I think Attitude Living has a great line of washes. All their products are EWG certified and absolutely safe!
- Outfit for leaving the hospital- Compression leggings and button up shirt
A common misconception after delivery is that people think your stomach all of sudden just shrinks back to normal. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. You should expect to still be living in your maternity clothes for another 3-6 months or longer and that’s totally fine and NORMAL! So don’t throw away those maternity clothes out yet, pack a pair or two for when you leave the hospital.
Normally I would suggest not bringing a nursing balm because chances of you actually needing it 2-3 days after birth is pretty slim. But in the rare occasion you may need to be in the hospital for longer than expected it would be a good tool to have.
Things not to bring…
- Socks - A lot of people put socks on their list of things to bring to the hospital, but honestly the ones that the hospitals provide are the best ones. I even remember with my last delivery when my Mom came to visit me in the hospital, she grabbed a pair of socks (or two) for herself! See I’m not the only one!
- Pads - These will all be provided for you so save the room in your bag for more important items! You can also ask the nurses for more of their pads because they are the amazing
- More than one outfit for baby- Okay, so I know having a baby is so much fun and one of the first things you want to do is dress them up in all those cute outfits you got from your shower, but listen to me and just bring ONE going home outfit! With all my girls, I was in such awe of how adorable they were and things were just hazy that the outfits I brought for them to wear as soon as they were delivered into the world didn’t even make it out of the bag. Here is what I am suggesting… bring a nice swaddle, hat and one outfit for leaving the hospital. I am planning on bringing a newborn tie night gown so that I don’t have to worry about their feet getting cold. Just stick them in the car seat and tie a knot at the end and we are ready to go!
Hope this all helps! Let me know what things you packed in your bag!
Terah Byrd