Emergency Kit: What to pack - For the Moms

Emergency Kit: What to pack - For the Moms

Imagine it. It’s Monday, you have made it through the work day after getting the kids off to school after a busy weekend and you are headed to the gym before coming home to make dinner and do it all again, but you forgot a … hairband. Have no fear, your emergency kit is here! These little items (that are way too easy to forget) make life so much more stressful than it needs to be. With this list of must-haves for your Emergency Kit, you will be able to go through the day-to-day “crazy” feeling prepared for anything life might throw at you.

Here is a list of the essentials for your Emergency Kit. 

Band-Aids, Wipes, and Ointment

You never know what may happen throughout you or your child's day, and it is important to be prepared for anything!

Hair Accessories

Left work, on the way to the gym, and forgot a hairband? The emergency kit packed with hairbands and bobby pins is here for you.

Daughter’s hair is falling out at soccer practice? Not anymore!

Ballet teacher says, “more pins”, you’ll have them!

Tampons, Pads, and Panty Liners

Whether they are for a friend, your teen, or yourself - it’s always important to have extra feminine products on you.

Hand Sanitizer

I think if we didn’t know already, we’ve learned in the past couple of years that germs spread quickly. We also know that children touch E V E R Y T H I N G. A small, on-the-go size, bottle of hand sanitizer will be your new best friend.


Chapped lips always find a way to bother you at the most inconvenient times. Now, not only will you have quick relief, but you also won’t have to worry about which pocket you might have left it in before doing the laundry.

Lotion/Hand Cream

Whether it's a transition from summer to winter, or vice versa, it is important to have emergency lotion and/or cream available. It is also an easy thing to forget about in a morning rush, but an easy thing to apply while on the go, therefore, it definitely is going in the emergency kit.


I feel like this one speaks for itself. 


This is crucial because floss really is so easily forgotten about while on the go, but having something stuck in your teeth while out and about is just not the look we are going for these days. We would be lost without our floss!

The bag to put it all in!

We recommend a small bag with enough room for a few of each essential item. The perfect bag is the Maia Cosmetic Bag

We hope this guide helps as you put together your Emergency Kit! We would love to hear special additions you’ve made to your kits too! Stay prepared, stay organized, and stay chic!


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